My Dolls


Alena is 16 years old. She is the oldest. she loves to cook and sew samplers. She also likes to do crafts and play games like Fox and Geese, hopscotch, and jump rope. 


Elizabeth 11 years old. She loves to sew samplers and knit and anything to do with yarn or thread. Her favorite past-time is playing with her sisters and The Parkingtons. 


Saige loves to ride horses and loves to work on the farm. She loves anything that have to do with dirt and games and horses. She hates sewing. 


Kirsten loves making dresses for her sisters and for her friends and extended family. 


Fedalia loves to go shopping at the Farmer's Market. She loves to cook with vegtables and making meals for her family. She is 12 years old. 

Rosa is the youngest in the family, 8 years old. She loves to play with her older sisters and have fun. She is taking horseback riding lessons now (she just started last week!) 


Alexandra was named after the company she came from, Madam Alexander. XD

She is also taking horseback riding lessons and she loves horses and any kind of animal. She is not biggest fan of sewing, but will do it if she has to or has nothing else to do. 

                                         Hope ou enjoyed! :D


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